lunes, 13 de octubre de 2014

Regresa al Islam un sacerdote católico español en Indonesia... Alhamduliláh! Catholic Priest Wakes Up From Coma After 17 Months, Converts To Islam - See more at:

Jakarta | A catholic priest from the island of Java in Indonesia who has woken up from a 17 month long coma has converted himself to Islam after the man claims Allah spoke to him and showed him “the beauty of the heavens”.

The 87-year old priest from Spain has lived and preached on the island for more then 43 years and is fluent in Javanese and various dialects of the different ethnic groups of the island and is a well known and respected figure amongst all religious groups of the area.
The man who has suffered a cardiac arrest while helping local volunteers to fix the roof of his own church and fell an incredible two stories high has managed to survive and come out of his coma, in brittle shape, yet a changed man.
Priest Eduardo Vincenzo Maria Gomez weeks before his tragic accident

“I know nothing of Islam. Never once have I read the Quran but God spoke to me and asked me to follow him to the heavens and the Holy light shone through my entire being and behold the golden gates of heaven appeared before me and God told me his name and it was Allah” told the newly convert to a journalist of the Kalimantan Press.

The man who miraculously suffers no spinal injury should be able to walk soon, admits the physician who took care of him at South Jakarta’s Metropolitan Medical Centre. “This must be the strongest 80-year old I have ever seen. His bones should be smashed to pieces” ponders Jim Won May, who has practiced medecine for over twenty years. 
His conversion to Islam took most of his church followers by surprise, but interestingly enough, already half of his christian followers have showed interest in converting to Islam. “If Allah is the true God, I don’t want to be misled in the wrong direction on judgement day. I trust Father Eduardo. We all believe in him” explains one of his followers.
The priest who is still under medical attention has already ordered the construction of a new mosque and his followers are already hard at work to find the funds necessary for the task. “We owe it to Father Eduardo for all he has done for us” comments one of the devotees of the old catholic church, that is now for sale.
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 Yakarta | Un sacerdote católico español de la isla de Java en Indonesia que ha despertado de un largo coma 17 meses a sí mismo se ha convertido al Islam después de que el hombre afirma Allah le habló y le mostró "la belleza de los cielos".
El anciano sacerdote de 87 años de España ha vivido y predicado en la isla por más de 43 años y domina el javanés y varios dialectos de los diferentes grupos étnicos de la isla y es una figura muy conocida y respetada entre todos los grupos religiosos de la área.
El hombre que ha sufrido un paro cardíaco mientras ayuda a los voluntarios locales para fijar el techo de su propia iglesia y cayó un increíble dos pisos de altura ha logrado sobrevivir y salir de su estado de coma, en forma frágil, sin embargo, un hombre cambiado.
Sacerdote Eduardo Vincenzo Maria Gomez semanas antes de su trágico accidente
"No sé nada del Islam. Ni una sola vez he leído el Corán, pero Dios me habló y me pidió que lo siguiera a los cielos y el Espíritu luz brilló a través de todo mi ser, y he aquí las puertas doradas del cielo aparecieron ante mí y Dios me dijo su nombre y que era Allah "dijo el recién converso a un periodista de la prensa Kalimantan.
El hombre que milagrosamente no sufre ninguna lesión en la columna debe ser capaz de caminar pronto, admite el médico que cuidó de él en el sur de Jakarta Metropolitan Medical Centre. "Este debe ser el más fuerte de 80 años de edad que he visto. Sus huesos deben rompieron en pedazos "reflexiona Jim Won de mayo, que ha practicado la medicina durante más de veinte años.
Su conversión al Islam tomó la mayor parte de sus seguidores de la iglesia por sorpresa, pero curiosamente, ya la mitad de sus seguidores cristianos han mostrado interés en convertirse al Islam. "Si Dios es el verdadero Dios, no quiero ser engañado en la dirección equivocada en el día del juicio. Confío Padre Eduardo. Todos creemos en él ", explica uno de sus seguidores.
El sacerdote que sigue siendo objeto de la atención médica que ya ha ordenado la construcción de una nueva mezquita y sus seguidores ya están trabajando duro para encontrar los fondos necesarios para la tarea. "Se lo debemos a Padre Eduardo por todo lo que ha hecho por nosotros", comenta uno de los devotos de la antigua iglesia católica, que es ahora a la venta.

Catholic Priest Wakes Up From Coma After 17 Months, Converts To Islam


Jakarta | A catholic priest from the island of Java in Indonesia who has woken up from a 17 month long coma has converted himself to Islam after the man claims Allah spoke to him and showed him “the beauty of the heavens”.

The 87-year old priest from Spain has lived and preached on the island for more then 43 years and is fluent in Javanese and various dialects of the different ethnic groups of the island and is a well known and respected figure amongst all religious groups of the area.
The man who has suffered a cardiac arrest while helping local volunteers to fix the roof of his own church and fell an incredible two stories high has managed to survive and come out of his coma, in brittle shape, yet a changed man.
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