martes, 22 de julio de 2014

LA ONU Y COMUNIDAD INTERNACIONAL SON COMPLICES... Estos dardos es lo que disparan en poblaciones civiles, prohibidos por la convención de Ginebra, son impunes, mientras llevan a otros países a la guerra y sanciones... These darts is firing on civilians as prohibited by the Geneva Convention, the sionist are unpunished, while other countries they are carry the war and UN sanctions... U. N. AND THE INTERNATIONAL COMMUNITY ARE COMPLICES...

 Son dardos de acero que se clavan en las paredes de hormigón y que lanzan las bombas hebreas en las calles musulmanas...

It`s are steel darts that stick in the hormigon walls and the Hebrew army throwing in bombs to Muslim  streets ...

These darts is firing on civilians as prohibited by the Geneva Convention, the sionist are unpunished, while other countries they are carry the war and UN sanctions ... U. N. AND THE INTERNATIONAL COMMUNITY ARE COMPLICES 

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